Water healing dance for the River Luni, Rajasthan, India / November 10th, 2023
Surrendering your body in meditative dance and allowing spirit to dance through you for the benefit of all is a sacred and healing process for all of creation.

A healing dance uses the intuitive movements of the dancer to create liberating, healing and insightful impulses that open and raise consciousness.

River Luni is a monsoon river that only fills up during this rainy season. People, animals and plants live from and with this river. The amount of rainfall has been decreasing for years, while the population around the Luni is growing steadily. It is essential to open up awareness of the element of water, to stimulate a fair, equal distribution and to set regulating, harmonizing impulses that allow the monsoon rains to return to their original rhythm.

Mindful, connected and attuned, we went to the riverbed of the Luni and sensed a suitable place for the dance. Out of respect for the Bishnoi people and the creatures around the river, we performed the dance in silence.
Our common spiritual power and connection was very perceptible. Each dancer followed his unique rhythm and so we created an energetic power field for change, refinement and transformation. At the end of the dance, we blessed the river and thanked the elements for their support. We now felt and sensed a peaceful, abundant stillness in this place.
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