Dialogues and exchanges in different communities on April 16th and 17th 2022, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Zusammen zu sitzen und sich auszutauschen, wie die Welt, die Schöpfung und die Aufgaben für die Menschen gesehen werden und welche Anschauung uns verbindet, ist eine wesentliche Möglichkeit Völkerverständigung lebendig werden zu lassen. In the Kogi culture, gathering and sharing is an important act. In the evenings and at night, the men sit in the men's house while the women gather in the women's house. The men from one of our groups had the honor to sit in the night with the Kogi men in the traditional men's house in esuama Sezhua and witness the dialogues. Heart-mind-soul thanks for that.

Again and again in our dialogues we could see that our views, with some clear differences, have many similarities. Thus, the knowledge of the spirit that IS before all creation is one of the essential points that unites the Kogi and the community of Light Awareness. Common dialogues to deepen and exchange wisdom is further very desired by all the mamos we have spoken to. In future visits, these dialogues will be revisited.

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