Honoring the holy fire Hawan Samaghari for peace and healing in Jodhpur, India/ November 16th, 2023

His Highness the Maharaja gave a small delegation of us the privileges and the place of his family for the celebration of a special Aarti ceremony called Ankut. This was led by the priest of the family, Swami Achalanand Giri Maharaj, in his temple and celebrated together with us. In this temple a sacred fire Hawan Samaghari has been burning for peace and healing in Jodphur, India and the world for over 20 years.

After a warm welcome, we were invited directly to the Swami's sides and together with him we made all kinds of offerings, worshiped and paid homage by the fire and at a well-stocked buffet table in front of the image of Krishna.

We had a personal exchange with Swami Achalanand Giri Maharaj about levels, dimensions and spheres of healing. We received his blessings and all introduced ourselves as healers and peace ambassadors of the highest peace.

Our light sister Anna brought our visit to a significant conclusion by joining us in a blessing minute of peace at the eternal fire. A peace delegation from Germany with holy women and men opened the highest peace in a temple of the Maharaja. Silence fell and we could feel the connectedness of all who gathered in their longing for peace. The communication, connection and remembrance of peace was accomplished.

HeartSpiritSoulThank to Swami Achalanand Giri Maharaj for this honor and joy of celebrating and blessing together for healing and peace in the world.

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