The great Peace and Unity Celebration - The Guardian of the Spirit and the Guardian of the Earth on April 19th, 2022 in Dibulla / Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

Unification of peoples is the re-encounter of peoples in the true ONE. Memory of the ONE is given to us in these moments. These memories and experiences of unification are deeply joyful moments for all people. The crowning highlight of our Peace and Unity Journey to the Kogi in Colombia was our common celebration.

In being together we experienced Peace and Unity vibration in exchange and conversation. We experienced how it feels to be with each other and to sing and dance for peace expansion. We realized: The ONE eternal peace is with us and in us.

As a community of Light Consciousness and a Community of Kogi, we celebrated together - a celebration of Peace and Unity, in a place that the Kogi call a place of encounter, as it has a special connection to the sacred places in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Mountains, strengthening our connection. And so our celebration began with a shared Peace Meal.

Peace Dance

Dance, is also a sacred, immediate way for us to sense our connection with the 11 core values and bring them into expansion and expression through intuitive movement. In the Peace Dance, the dancer gives away the vibrational frequency of Peace to the world and beyond.

For the Peace Dance in Dibulla, we were standing together with all our Kogi brothers and Kogi sisters in a big circle holding hands. Introductory words connected everyone to the ONE Peace. In silence, connected out of Peace, we stood in Peace-Being for peacefulness in the world, while five light-conscious, sacred women meditatively danced expressing the Peace-Unity vibration via movement. Heart-mind-soul thanks for this common act of Peace.

Homage to Mother Earth - Peace Unity Crystals for our Mother

A Peace Unity Ceremony of a very special kind was the jointly performed ceremony of the Kogimamos and five female holy women of our community, together with the spiritual leader David Wared. Mama Shibulata Zarabata, as the person in charge of Dibulla, chose a proper place under a sacred tree for this purpose. One after the other, our five holy women blessed Mother Earth with a crystal heart - one each for Freedom, Peace, Truth, Love and Unity. Following this, all the Mamos present joined in. They gave away their spiritually and mentally energized "material", a cotton thread traditionally used for "pagamentos". The benevolent and supportive thoughts and feelings of the Mamos for our common service was given to Mother Earth in the same place. Through this act, the Mamos say, we are united in Unity for all future steps.

Peace Unity Fire

To conclude our festival, celebration and celebration in deepest connectedness and tangible Unity, we gathered in a large circle around a sacred fire. Fire possesses the highest transformative power, burning away all that is transient and bringing the essential to light. Thus, the power of fire also supports all inner processes of change in the human being towards refinement and transformation.

After introductory words and a connection with the heart of the universe and the heart of Mother Earth and the origin of all of us, we spiritually gave our thoughts and feelings together into the fire for our further common progress. In the flames everything was allowed to rise. The true, imperishable, the essence remains. Thus, spiritual light fire, love fire and living, material life fire come together.We stand together in the aligned firepower of all three human levels of existence on the path to the realization of Unity on Earth.

The joy and touch among all the participants of the celebration was great and so Kogi representatives joined in to express their gratitude for being together. For this immediate expression of spiritual and soul connection, we sincerely thank Mama Luntana Nieves, Antonio Coronado and Alejo Sauna.

With a common minute of Peace, spoken in Kaggaba by our Meditation Master, the highest vibration of Peace from the Guardians of the Earth and the Guardians of the Spirit once again went out into the world together.

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