Encountering plants, animals and Mother Earth – appreciation and healing in Kenia/ June21st, 2018

When we travel, we encounter nature: plants, animals and Mother earth, in its originality.

Shimba Hills National Reserve is a small national park, which we visited. With the help of our scenic vehicles, we encountered a landscape full of fertility, abundance and expanse. Among others, saber and sable antelopes, pillworms, warthogs, water buffalos, and the millipede, also known as the "Mombasa Express", appeared to us.

At two viewpoints, we took a break with our vehicles and blessed and praised our fellow human beings with our words and meditations: Mother Earth, the people, the plants and the animals.

The Ocean View Viewpoint had a small plaza that made our connection to the entire Mother Earth and all of her beings particularly tangible: a special place for our peace meditation.

We took our lunch at the Shimba Hills Lodge. Open to a water hole, all around covered with beautiful lush green trees, the abundance of nature showed us. The "voice of Africa" looked at us from a treetop: an African Sea eagle, which is also the heraldic animal of Namibia and South Sudan.

A day of intense encounter with Mother Earth and our fellowship beings from heart to heart.

Norbert Rulands

(This journey has been privately financed.)

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