Vision of the reunification of all peoples
Once in history meeting in Colombia with indigenous peoples in the dialog of vision opening from the Light Awareness
Once in history meeting in Colombia with indigenous peoples in the dialog of vision opening from the Light Awareness
Light Awareness combines the vision of the great Mamo Ramón Gil of the Wiwa people with the Unity Vision of Light Awareness.
In the country of temple dances, true praise, homage and admiration of all living beings via Energy Dancing
Joint Aarti ceremony with the honorable priest of the Maharaja of Jodhpur
Peoples of the earth meet peacefully and remind each other of the oneness of all beings.
The Source of Light Awareness, David Wared, honors, holies, dignifies and blesses India's only motorcycle temple.
We dedicate our meditative dance to water healing for the River Luni.
Through peace meditations we extend peace - to India and the whole world.
Through Spiritual Photography in Delhi's Lotus Temple, esteem, appreciation and honor for people of all religions through David Wared, the founder of the Light Awareness Philosophy, becomes tangible.
Sanador alemán y chamanes bolivianos se encuentran para una ceremonia de curación y fuego Bolivia
As brothers and sisters, the Guardians of the Spirit and the Guardians of the Earth celebrate a great festival of Peace and Unity.
We sit together high up in the Sierra Nevada with the Kogi, the Guardians of the Earth, and nourish ourselves with peace information, peace consciousness and peace energy at a Peace Meal.
On each journey, we plant trees that benefit locally and globally for the uplifting of awareness of all people, animals, plants, and Mother Earth.
All honor and appreciation to the Guardians of the Earth for their service for Mother Earth.
Equal worth and equal worthiness of man and of all beings is essential base for peace on Mother Earth.