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Address & Journey description

Our contact

Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V.
Stresemannstr. 43
40210 Dusseldorf, Germany

Tel. +49 (0)211 273 043 20
Fax +49 (0)211 273 043 24

email infovisionpeacefoundationorg 

Press inquiry

For further press information, please send us an inquiry.




We look forward to meeting you and working with you to find the type of support and donation that suits you.


Our donation account at GLS Bank:

Recipient of payment:

Vision Peace Foundation Germany e.V.
Stresemannstr. 43
40210 Duesseldorf, Germany

Bank account:

IBAN: DE59 4306 0967 4023 3837 01
Account no.:     402 338 3701

GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
Christstraße 9
44789 Bochum, Germany