World understanding - Encounter with Muslims in a mosque in Ukunda, Kenya/ June 22nd, 2018

We were really pleased, that the Imam of the Kongo mosque in Kenya welcomed us and was willing to pray and meditate with us.

The mosque is situated at the white beach of the coast of Kenya where the rivervKongo kisses the Indian Ocean. In front of the open prayer room of the mosque grew a beautiful big baobab tree underneath which we were welcomed to settle.

We meditated in silence for peace while the Muslims prayed in the mosque.

First, we were watched with curiosity by the persons that passed us, until a lot of Muslims assembled around us. We welcomed the community and the Imam and introduced ourselves, our message of peace and our vision of the WORLD TOUR for PEACE.

The men were very interested and asked many questions about our vision and our message of peace. We came into a lively conversation about the difference perspectives on peace.

The Muslims are a community that help each other and support a peaceful interaction. It was very eye opening for them to experience, that we are completely free of religious belief. Freedom gained a new understanding in relationship to peace

By and by Muslim women also joined us and listened with interest which touched us deeply.

After we donated our gifts and gave our blessing scarf with the Five Eternal Values, we mixed with the Muslims and deepened our open and appreciative communication. It was wonderful to experience how strangers became friends because we are all human who are longing for peace, regardless of religion, culture or origin.

Anna Bardowicks

(This journey has been privately financed.)

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