World Peace Meditation in Aurovalley Ashram in Raiwala, India on November 4th, 2023

Our peace journey through India also takes us to the Aurovalley Ashram in Raiwala, near the city of Rishikesh. We spend several days in the wonderfully landscaped ashram. Situated at the foothills of the Himalayas and on the banks of the River Ganges, Aurovalley is embedded in the heart of nature.
Meditation, Light Yoga, Energy Dancing, Toning by David Wared as well as Peace Talks, also with the founder of the ashram, Swami Brahmdev, are part of our daily peace service.
We also host a World Peace Meditation by David Wared, as we do every Wednesday evening in our Peacehouse in Germany via livestream. Visitors and team members of the ashram attend the meditation.

At the beginning of the ceremony, we honor and pay homage to the politician, philosopher and yogi Sri Aurobindo and his spiritual partner Mira Alfassa, known as "The Mother". They were very significant spiritual personalities in India. We thank Swami Brahmdev for establishing Aurovalley Ashram, inspired by the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. we express gratitude for his great service and work for many visitors from all over the world.

After the introduction to the World Peace Meditation by one of our meditation masters, we sing a peace hymn with which we send peace vibrations out into the world. Meditating on piano music, we absorb the touching sounds of peace and channel them into our innermost being. Following this, meditation teachers from our community speak peace impulse meditations out of Light Awareness according to David Wared.

Every peace meditation brings the peace essence for the whole of existence, for the whole of creation and for all living beings in expansion, expression and vitality. This enables the meditator to recognize and dissolve their suffering, imprints and incompletely recognized issues. He expands his awareness of peace, which helps him to achieve a state of sublimity of his mind, a state of sovereignty in his soul and a visionary state of vividness in his life. In meditation, he recognizes his essential peace and that he is in truth more than his body, namely a spiritual being.

In meditation contemplation, the meditator has the permanent, persistent and perpetual opportunity to receive universal, pure peace. The meditator must first be open and be ready to receive it. Only once the meditator receives, perceives and internalizes the true impulse can he realize this impulse of universal peace, within himself and from himself into the whole world.

The peace meditations not only serve individual pacification, but are also supra-individual and transcend the subjective. Each meditation also has a global and universal focus.
In our World Peace Meditation from the Ashram Aurovalley, we send peace to the country of India and to the whole world, to all fellow human beings. In the spirit of extended humanity, all animals, all plants, nature and Mother Earth are equally included. This makes the equality of all beings inside and outside tangible and visible.

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