In Hwange National Park on July 9th and 10th, 2021 in Matabeleland/ Zimbabwe

The encounter with the animals and plants in Africa took place in a new dimension.

On our nature trips we saw on the one hand the open savannah, scrubland and woodlands with all the diversity of Africa's wildlife, on the other hand the provisions adapted to tourism: well-fed water holes or night lighting for animal observation.

The wild animals come close to humans in some places - where humans are, there is also reliable food: monkeys climbing on facades, birds flying into buildings, elephants right by the hotel at night. This is for me also a search for light, love, life, healing, strength and blessing.

Light Awareness always goes far beyond a pure observation. About approach and understanding in the inside and outside it goes into a deeply felt connection, which clearly opens, how ONE all living beings are, on this earth.

With our connection and devotional love for the plants and animals, our companions, drivers and rangers, increasingly opened up to our healing work. They worked very sensitively together with us, their trained eye opened us the view and the possibility, beyond the known 'BIG FIVE', to also be allowed to have a healing effect on the 'very small five million'.

We are able to let happen within us more: Animals are with us, animals are ONE with us.

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