Planting of the Johannes avocado tree in Bali, Indonesia / 26 March 2017

A tree planting is one of the traditional actions of our community during every journey. This holy planting is connected with blessings of Mother Earth and the trees. Through our meditations for the healing of the Earth, this action is deepened, and spaces for healing and blessing are consciously created.

With all 50 participants from our group, we took part at the Holiway Garden Resort in the Johannes avocado tree-planting ceremony. It is a sign of our bond with Mother Earth, a sign of our peace and our love, our truth, our freedom and our unity. This tree was dedicated in a special connection to Johannes, a member of our community.


An everlasting peace greeting enters into the world through this piece of earth and the avocado tree.

Susanne Knopp

(This journey has been privately financed by the participants.)

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