Duanamake – A Kogui-community in Colombia/ April 18th,2018
Today we drive off by bus, then we switch over to motorcycles and go on foot the last stretch of road to the village of the Duanamake. Down, in front of the village there are some Kogui huts. Here we are welcomed. Manuel, a head of the Kogui, named Mamo, accompanies us to the village.We make the way to the village to a PEACE-Walk. David Wared and Manuel lead this PEACE-Walk.With respect and in dignity we stand at the entrance of the village which is marked in the earth by a big heart-shaped stone. We are greeted by five Kogui, among them two Mamo-Kogui. The exchange of opinions and conversations concerning questions to their and our understanding of protection and healing of Mother Earth and the understanding of peace are a sign of common ground. Quickly it becomes obvious that we do not come as tourists because the protection of Mother Earth is also for us a matter close to our heart.
In the course of the conversation Mamo-Kogui Vincente lets us know that he considers us as a kind of Kogui-brothers because our attitude and respect towards Mother Earth is corresponding to them.They accept with pleasure our invitation to take part in our congress of peace in Hamburg from 21st to 23rd September, 2018 in order to voice their message to the human beings in Europe. They lead us to a holy place in order jointly with us to carry out a ritual. At the river we are allowed to refresh ourselves and enjoy the unspoilt nature of the rainforest with its incredible trees.
After a common meal at the bank we are invited to visit with them a further holy place. At the place of their holy actions we are allowed to initiate a meditation and meditate with them in common. We donate holy gifts of benediction and prove anew with which appreciation, esteem and respect we are deeply connected with them in our heart. We cordially thank for this incredible day and look forward to seeing again in Hamburg. Having made this experience we deeply touched return – we become such aware how old the Kogui culture is into which we got an insight today.
We say: Senyarleg / ¡Gracias! / Danke!
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