Planting trees - Healing, dignity and peace for nature and Mother Earth in Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus / 29 July 2017

When we travel, we plant trees. It is a catalyst and symbol for peace for human beings and for the appreciation and healing of nature and Mother Earth. This time we chose a fruit tree because through its fullness it also opens us humans to abundance, richness and vitality: through the smell of its blossoms, the taste of its fruit and its nutrients, but also through its soothing shade and beautiful sight.

Our community gathered at the planting site and consciously connected with the plants, the place and everyone present through joint meditation. Barbara then planted the tree carefully in the ground with the help of Peter and David. It was carefully covered with soil and watered.

We also spoke our blessings heart-to-heart here for the tree, the place and the people who live here. We then lingered in silence for a few moments in our community and let the events touch us. The meditation, the tree planting, the blessing, our community – including the current hotel owner Gregoria and together with her master carpenter – opened up a clearly perceptible space of unity and peace with the plants and Mother Earth for all of us.

The conscious appreciation of the plant world and the conscious return of something to Mother Earth – after decades, indeed centuries of ruthless exploitation – were a deep and healing moment for everyone present. It was a symbolic act that will bear fruit.

I thank Mother Earth for her devotion – she allows us to live our lives on this wonderful and rich planet.

Mechthild Assmann

(This journey has been privately financed by the participants.)

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