Meeting of peoples for a world in peace and unity. Dialogue in Katunsama/ Magdalena, Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta in Colombia on June 5 and 6, 2024

The Community of Light Awareness has been in Colombia regularly since 2018, sometimes for several months, to deepening the connections and dialogs with Mamos (spiritual leaders of the peoples) of the four indigenous peoples. Together we work for global peace. In 2022, we held a large peace unity festival with over 100 Kogi. In the years that followed, we also developed sustainable, trusting relationships with the other peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Arhuaco, the Wiwa and the Kankuamo.

Light Awareness reveals the universal vision of the first steps towards the realization of peace and unity on earth. It is the reunification of the 5 peoples, the four indigenous peoples of the Sierra with the fifth people of light awareness.
We do remind there was a time on earth when all beings lived in freedom, peace, truth, love and unity - in a peaceful oneness of people, all of nature and Mother Earth.
The reunification of the 5 peoples, as the first essential impulse step, reconnects everything with this truth and spiritual certainty, which lies beyond all human, religious and mythological views.
We communicate the reunification of all indigenous peoples and all peoples of this earth with this ONE original truth.
From essential unity power, soul unity consciousness and spiritual unity information, we stand together hand in hand for the change, refinement and transformation of the whole mankind.
In the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Light Awareness, as the guardians of the spirit, offers this vision to the guardians of the Earth: the Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo.
We ask the indigenous peoples of the Sierra to decide for themselves to walk the path of unity with us. In a video message from the Wiwa Mamo Ramón Gil, his brother peoples are called upon to the essentiality of reunification.

It is a grateful pleasure for us to have made possible a meeting that has not been held since 2008 and is unique. The indigenous people themselves describe it as a historic meeting of delegates from the three peoples (Kogi, Arhuaco, Wiwa) who live in the Department of Magdalena. They are meeting us to hear our vision and offer. The meeting takes place on the territory of the Arhuaco in a village called Katunsama near Palomino. For two days, talks, meditations, pagamentos, dancing and singing will open a field of peace and unity in which everyone can immerse themselves. Early in the morning, we all meet at their gathering place under the large, sacred tree. Here we introduce in 50 points how the vision of unity consciousness on earth can be brought to life together.

We are grateful for the open hearts in which the interest and attention for the disclosure of this completed vision can be felt. 
The vision evokes in all those involved the primordial trust and longing for a time, eons ago, when peace and unity had been so self-evident. Various dialogs clearly reveal that the path to unity starts from within the individual. Initially, every inner conflict should be pacified in order to feel more and more what a deepening connection to oneself means and then to one's next person, to nature, to the animals and to Mother Earth. The mythology of indigenous peoples shows that the cultural path goes through the harmonization of certain sacred places. According to their mythology, people are also in peace and unity, when Mother Earth is in balance again.

Through their own experience and discovery, humans come to recognize their true self and their true spiritual origin.
From origin memory, the cosmic ONE spirit pours into all existence.
From the connection of origin, universal consciousness streams through all creation.
All essential life energy and power flows to every living being from original communication. 
All living beings are equipped, enabled and empowered, and can recognize what is the universal truth, the truth of all. The thinking-feeling-acting on Mother Earth will shine in its original splendor, always for the benefit of all.

After subsequent open dialogues regarding our offer from Light Awareness, we invite to a joint unity meditation. An energetic field of connectedness beyond languages and cultures is created, it can be felt and expands.

We thank you for the trust and permission to document our meeting on film.

The time together is concluded with the agreement that all peoples will present our offer at their next Mamo General Assembly, make their consultations and inform us about their decision. The joint work for peace on earth comes to a worthy, honorable and grateful conclusion with a shared peace meditation.

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