Impressions on a morning healing trip in the Ziwani Game Reserve, Kenya/ June 27th, 2018

The sun hasn't risen yet. We are getting ready for the early healing journey. James has put up the roof of his jeep and drives us into the dawning day. Into a beautiful African sunrise. We leave the lodge and feel immediately that this morning is different than all days before. The cutting wind blows through the open roof and reinforces the early morning coolness.

I feel a peaceful calm intensively, with which the upcoming day begins. The landscape is breathtaking and beautiful. Savannah as far as the eye can see. Cut off dust-dry, kilometre-long sand tracks. An unobstructed view to the horizon into a wide, hilly landscape. Above everything there is a cloudy, blue sky.

I still see animals in the haze. A stately Kaffir buffalo stands majestically in the foggy grass. Two oxpeckers on his back. But soon the sun rises and warms the cool silence of the morning. I make contact wordlessly and feel oneness with Mother Earth, her plants and animals.

James stops in the middle of the savannah and points his arm forward. In the far distance I see a huge herd of buffaloes, illuminated by the morning sun. Far away, barely visible to the eye, the herd passes quietly and peacefully. A direct touch of nature, which I perceive with an open heart. This is awareness of the present life. Instant presence. Immediate reality.

Right next to our jeep a small antelope group. A few hundred meters further on giraffes are having breakfast. The animals are only a few meters away. Not behind a fence or in a ring. Not in zoos and too small enclosures. Once more I realize that I am now locked in our box on wheels. But the animals live in unlimited freedom. That is visible and tangible love, complete peace, unadulterated truth. A piece of unity on Mother Earth, a part of paradise. I absorb the miracle in me and bless and heal the animals. Send them original information, original consciousness and original energy. Nature becomes the lover with whom I feel connected, with whom I merge

Happy and thrilled by the intense colours, the vastness of the Kenyan landscape and the wildlife living there, we drive back to the camp, aware of having discovered something wonderful.

Wolfgang Huppers

(This journey has been privately financed.)

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